Fellow NVC Practitioners

The following is an ever-updating list of fellow NVC Practitioners (Guides, Assessors, Authors, Visionaries) committed to social change that I highly recommend the work of

Dr. Roxy Manning

supporting individual and social transformation toward beloved community

Instagram Live with Dr. Roxy Manning & Jen Gergen – Apr 2024

myisha t hill

healer. author. speaker. coach. optimist.

Sizzle Reel from Co-Conspired Conversations (a 5-day NVC intensive workshop) with myisha t hill, Mitzi Magdaleno and Jen Gergen

Instagram Live with myisha t hill & Jen Gergen – Feb 2024
Instagram Live with myisha t hill, Mitzi Magdaleno & Jen Gergen – June 2024


somatic healing practitioner

Instagram Live with Meenadchi – July 2024

Miki Kashtan

practical visionary pursuing a world that works for all

Instagram Live with Miki Kashtan & Jen Gergen – May 2024

Center for Nonviolent Communication & NVC Academy

founded by Marshall Rosenberg & established by Mary Mackenzie and Mark Schultz

radically changing the way we look at money

Who is missing from this list?

Is there an NVC Practitioner rooted in liberatory frameworks committed to social change that you would like to see on this list? >>>